



  1. 先至場內與毛孩互動幾次,直至確認毛孩受到驚嚇可以經由準飼主喚回。
  2. 啟動試養期一週,中間若遇到困難,可無條件帶回保育場。
  3. 啟動磨合期一個月,期間有家訪、電訪、臉書回報等定期追蹤。
  4. 辦理正式過戶,帶著毛孩回保育場拍照留存紀錄。



Q: Can I adopt the dog I’m sponsoring? If so, how do I go about it?

Similar to the public animal shelters, all of our rescue animals are up for adoption. In order to ensure the animals go on to live a happy life in their forever home they so well deserve, APA has in place a set of adoption procedures and standards by which we select the best adopter for our rescue animals. The following regulations were established with the intention to making sure both the adopter and the adopted animals will make a great fit for the long run. If you feel the following adoption procedure may not be for you and your family, please feel free to visit your local public animal shelter as there are many lovely animals at the public animal shelter who are also waiting for their forever home.


Adopters will be subject to following the below adoption procedure:

  1. We invite prospective adopters to come hang out with the animal a few times, until they can successfully call back the animal (in all situations) using a recall cue.
  2. Take the animal home for a 1-week trial period. If unresolvable issues arise, adopter can return the animal at any time during the 1-week time period.
  3. If no issues arise during the 1-week trial period, APA will conduct periodic checks via home visits, phone interviews, and FB exchanges during the first month of the transitional period.

APA transfers ownership to adopter at the end of the 1-month transitional period.


只要您一通電話,或是經由傳真或e-mail 表達終止捐款的意思,我們會立即幫您辦理。

Q: Can I suspend/cancel my sponsorship at any time?

Yes, you can suspend/cancel your sponsorship at any time. Simply contact our staff by phone/email and our staff will process your request accordingly, your donation will also be terminated starting from the following month by the latest. You will be informed in the event of the animal passing away or is adopted, so you may choose to terminate the sponsorship or choose another animal to sponsor.


本會八里保育場工作時間為每日的8:00~17:00(全年無休),開放民眾參訪時間為每日10:00~12:00 及 13:00~16:00 兩時段。(最後入場時間上午11:40前與下午15:30前)



Q: Can I take my sponsored animal out for the day and/or home to spend the weekend over at my place?

Yes, you can! We are open all year-round, visiting hours are from 10:00-11:30 and 13:30-15:30 (latest entry hour is at 3pm). All visits are more than welcome! Please give our staff a 3-day advance notice prior to your planned visit (phone 02-2619-3412) to ensure there’s no schedule conflict with other sponsor’s planned visits.

*Friendly reminder: If possible, best time to visit is after cleaning and feeding time, which is after noon hour.



Q: What happens to the animals who don’t have a sponsor? Is the care they receive different from those who have a sponsor?

Regardless of whether the animal has a sponsor or not, they’re all cared for in the same manner during their stay at Bali Sanctuary. The only difference is the sponsors get a sponsorship card for their sponsored animal, and if your sponsored animal is approachable and friendly, you can also apply to take them out for a day or spend the night over at your home.



Q: Can I adopt the animals at Bali Sanctuary?

Our ultimate goal is for our rescue animals to find a forever home. Animals who are still dealing with behavioral issues may not be adoptable for now until further training is provided by our staff member.
