因為姐姐的介紹,徐先生決定加入狗來富專案,在一片有著濃濃龍眼木香氣的園子裡面,有20隻狗兒前來long stay...
在這裡,氣候乾爽宜"狗"、可以盡情奔跑,原有猶豫的陳先生,也因貼心毛孩們的陪伴,鐵漢般的心也被融化了,每日每日默默的扛著沉重的飼料餵食、和狗兒們說說話,如今,他們的生活重心就是...讓毛孩們 永遠永遠都這麼健康快樂 ^o^
Taiping B, Taichung
Mr. Chen’s sister had told him about the Keep Dogs Out of Shelters Project before deciding to join the APA foster family. Mrs. Chen’s garden, now home to 13 of APA’s rescue dogs, is filled with the scent of longan trees that surround the area. Mr. Chen makes conscientious effort in caring for the dogs to provide them a happy and healthy life.
我們住在這裡~汪汪 !